OpenAI introduced its groundbreaking artificial intelligence model, SORA, capable of converting text into video, on February 15, 2023. The model has garnered significant attention for its capabilities, with OpenAI sharing example videos on their pages and Twitter.
How to Access SORA?
Many users are left wondering how they can access OpenAI’s SORA model or its API.
Unfortunately, although SORA has been announced, it is not yet released to the public and is inaccessible for general use.
Currently, only Red Team members and certain artists with special access can use the model to further develop, enhance safety, and provide feedback.
Take a look at related OpenAI community page for more info.
Is There an API for the SORA Model?
OpenAI’s AI models typically come with an API. However, as mentioned, the SORA model has not been made publicly available, and therefore, its API has not been shared yet.
It is anticipated that the API will be shared when the model becomes available for public use.
Will Access to the OpenAI SORA API Be Free?
All of OpenAI’s APIs, come with a usage fee that varies based on the model’s capabilities and functionalities. You can find the usage fee for current APIs here.
Therefore, it is not expected that SORA will be free, especially considering that video production requires more GPU power. It is likely that the SORA API’s usage fee will be higher than those for OpenAI’s current GPT / DALL-E models.
How Will SORA’s Pricing Be Structured?
While there has been no official detail shared regarding the pricing of the SORA model, we can speculate based on how OpenAI has priced its existing artificial intelligence models.
OpenAI charges for its language models, the GPT series, on a per-token basis.
Its image model, DALL·E, is priced per image, with costs varying based on the resolution of the generated image.
OpenAI’s text-to-speech models, or audio models, are generally priced per minute of generated audio.
Therefore, it is expected that SORA will be priced per video produced.
Is SORA Accessible Only Through an API?
Without shared details, it’s unclear whether SORA will be accessible through means other than an API.
For previous models, such as the GPT model and the image-generating DALL·E model, OpenAI provided API access and also integrated these models into ChatGPT, making them available to ChatGPT Plus members.
It’s still early days, so we do not know if SORA will be accessible via ChatGPT in addition to its API.
How Else Can I Access SORA?
As mentioned, since OpenAI has granted access only to specific users and this permission is solely at OpenAI’s discretion. If you haven’t received an invitation, it’s currently not possible to use SORA.
While there is considerable excitement among users, unfortunately, they will need to wait a bit longer.
As soon as access to SORA becomes available, you will be able to use this model via our Try Sora page.